Saturday, January 7, 2012

Put On Your Productivity Sweaters

Hello Dear Readers,
All 2 of you. If 2011 made anything clear it's that I lacked discipline. No more excuses, it's time to write and stop playing games. I've been reading blogs about people applying to MFA programs with seriously sterling credentials and being rejected from every single one of them. I'm applying to one (which was once kind of a secret but is no more) and after a recent informational interview with one of the professors am feeling much less optimistic than before. I pretty much know I'm not going to get in but it's been good to force myself to do something, it's always good to try. Not a waste of time. Not a waste of time. Not a waste of time. Oh..., forgive me I was just reciting my mantra. Back to the blogging board and cheers to discipline and accountability.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fog City, California

I really think this is the coldest I've ever been in the middle of August. One thing I do enjoy is driving into the city at night because the bridge looks like it has arms that appear slowly through the fog. It's a lovely embrace. The off ramp tramps are equally welcoming.

If you ever feel like getting super creeped out (just for fun) drive to the corner of Washington and Cherry on a foggy night with your best friend. Terrifying...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Epic Fail

I've made a lot of mistakes in the past week, which has been fraught with drama and peril. Happily I'm not as down on myself as usual for making these mistakes as I usually would be and I've already learned a lot. Recently a friend told me that I should use these experiences to make my "skin thicker", but I think I'm not really into the idea of thick skin and toughness. Mostly because I think it's a facade. Even though I often get my feelings hurt, I'm OK with being just as I am; thin skinned but present. Another friend long ago lamented that our circle was comprised of people who were open with their vulnerabilities but consequently trampled on by the other people in our lives. She's right and I think we have the right idea and will eventually reap the rewards of a life lived honestly and with an open heart. (Fingers crossed.)

Today in San Francisco Living: At Civic Center BART (aka seventh circle of Hell) around noon we saw a man with his shirt up rubbing his soccer ball sized, purple and red, abdominal tumor. As we sauntered on over to the library all I could think was "that seemed unnecessary".

Monday, July 12, 2010

I wanted to start a blog, at the behest of my new awesome office mate, all about my fantastic adventures in San Francisco. See I'm starting this whole new life which involves a lot of not spending money and blogs are free, see where this is going?

As it turns out time is money and I already have this old blog that I created originally around the idea that I'm moody, thoughtful and a little long winded. So in the interest of saving time and therefore money I'm just going to get this old Lazarus back up on it's feet.

Today's Adventure:
Stifling feelings of mortification during the longest train ride with the loudest, crassest and most embarrassing black teenagers in San Francisco. Just a few bad apples can make it so difficult for the rest of us. The real issue is not their discussion of who was putting what up who's tookus but the looks I got from other passengers. I think they expected me to do something about it which was just racist.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Roots Come Alive

The Roots @ Davies Symphony Hall
May 30, 2009

I contend that there has never been a band more in love with their fans than The Roots. There was tuba! ...There was Kamal shy, quiet and cool on the keys... There was the absolute reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix in the body of guitarist Captain Kirk Douglass... The sexy smile and unparalleled breath control of Black Thought and of course the boom! bap! leadership of Questlove. I officially went ape-shit nuts when they played Guns N' Roses. The experience was spiritual, a revelation and I feel sorry for you if you missed it. 

The Roots respect their audience they give it everything they've got (ahem take notes Mos) and they make you want to live again even if you were on the verge of leaping from the GG Bridge. What more can you ask for? This was a great night, the kind that stays lodged in your muscle memory, that pushes adrenaline through your system for a week straight and makes you feel at one with the universal consciousness. For me this night was about realizing that the time for mediocrity, on every level, in every aspect, has passed.

Just wish I had made it to the after party...